Bright Start provides Early Intervention services for children ages birth to six.
Early Intervention is a family-directed program providing intensive developmental instruction for parents/caregivers and their children with special needs. We assist families in helping children reach developmental milestones by building on the strengths of the family and child. This is done through home visits and individualized family training.
Early Intervention is a statewide, comprehensive, coordinated, multidisciplinary, interagency system that provides home and community-based services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families. In simpler terms, it is a range of services designed to intervene at the early stages of an infant's or toddler's disability in order to help them reach their developmental potential.
Contact BabyNet for an initial assessment to determine if your child qualifies for Bright Start Early Intervention services by completing the Online Referral Form or by calling our Central Referral Team at 1-866-512-8881.

Success Stories

Jalyn at 22 Days

Jalyn at 1 Year Old
Children who receive Early Intervention are:
- More likely to achieve developmental goals sooner
- Less likely to need special education classes later
- Less likely to develop other disabilities
- More likely to reduce family stress