EI Sarah Jewell is Changing Lives!!!
It brings tears to my eyes when I think about the impact Bright Start has had on my grandson thus far. I thank God regularly for your services. My grandson has mounted up on wings since we first began receiving services. It has now been about 6 months. His tremendous progress is measurable and in my opinion, solidifying a firm foundation. With the assistance of his team, predominantly Sarah Jewell, he has recently transitioned into a half-day program after finally being confirmed as autistic. It has impacted our entire family! We are all extremely proud of his progress; especially recently. He has began to use words. His first words muttered were, “Thank You!” I know, hard to believe right? He is a lot smarter than we used to give him credit for. From the bottom of Lyric Dalton’s heart and on behalf of our family—-THANK YOU BRIGHT START! I can rest assured that he is essentially off to a bright start ensuring a bright future.
Sharon Jones
Proud “Yaya”